Week Thirteen Reflection

Whew. Here is my final reflection post for you guys. We are finally here! The final reflection post for the blog. In week thirteen, the subj...

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Week Thirteen Reflection

Whew. Here is my final reflection post for you guys. We are finally here! The final reflection post for the blog. In week thirteen, the subject was Disciple Leadership. This week consisted of talks from various people in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. No, no, don't back out of this. This is a good one, trust me! You are in for a real treat. Elder M. Russell Ballard gave a talk on Becoming Self-Reliant–Spiritually and Physically, Joseph B. Wirthlin gave a talk on The Great Commandment, Neil K. Newell spoke about being Anxious to Bless the Whole Human Race, Elder D. Todd Christofferson gave on a talk titled Come to Zion, and lastly, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave a talk titled, "Are We Not All Beggars?" One key takeaway from all this is how we are given a few simple, important principles. These principles are find answers through the Spirit, appraise our lives and the needs of others, choose between good and evil, think straight, and seek the Lord's guidance. The Great Commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Love comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles. Zion is both a place and a people. Zion represents unity, holiness, and caring for the poor.

With that said, what I found really inspiring is the story Newell shared about Dr. Hirsche and his staff traveling the world to treat patients with birth defects. Many of his patients often have club feet, cleft lips and palates, and tumors. He has been blessed with the opportunity to become a doctor then use the skills, knowledge, and experience he has obtained over the years to help these children. I think it is wonderful to have such doctors in our lives. To me, they are practically living angels placed here on Earth to help those who drew the short straw in life. These doctors inspire me to become the best person I can be to help children in my own way someday. I doubt I could reach doctor status, even though many of my friends and family think I could qualify as one with all the medical knowledge I have obtained from my own experience and having roommates in the hospital. However, I think I could still help in other ways, maybe I can do some office work for the children and make sure they get the help they need as soon as possible.

I will apply social innovation in my life by being a volunteer. I have a quiet voice and I really am best at working behind-the-scenes at most organizations, projects, and activities. I can do this by carefully studying ballots and people before I vote. I will donate my time to help watch over the canteen at blood drives. I can also simply spread awareness about topics I am most passionate about through social media. Through it all, I will keep Jesus Christ close to my side by praying always and study the scriptures so I can learn from His example on how to be a better person and how I can better assist the community I reside in.

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